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Important Info for Columbia State Learners
Columbia State Catalog
Columbia State's Official Academic Calendar
Columbia State's Official Final Exam Schedule
Columbia State's Refunds, Drops, and Withdrawals Info. (w/dates)
Columbia State's Learner Handbook, including disciplinary policies
Records Office
Financial Aid Office
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
Columbia State Email Instructions
Direct Access to Columbia State's Online Campus
Columbia State's Information Technology Department, including the Helpdesk
Columbia State's Bookstore
Staff and Faculty Directory
Columbia State's Inclement Weather Phone Line: 931.540.2515
Writing Resources for Learners
Columbia State's Tutoring & Learning Center (TLC)
The Teaching and Learning Center provides tutoring in math, writing assignments, and some sciences. We also offer assistance with study skills, note-taking, and time management. For available tutors and subjects, view our Tutoring Schedule.
Using Google for Research
Writing Tutorials
College Level Writing (These are excellent resources for Learners!)
Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism Quiz - test your knowledge!
NEVER USE WIKIPEDIA for Academic Research Papers!
APA Writing Style Tutorial - Purdue Writing Lab
APA Resources from Walden University's Writing Center
APA 6th Edition Model Paper
MLA Writing Style Tutorial - Purdue Writing Lab
MLA Model Paper #1 w/Title Page
MLA Model Paper #2 w/o Title Page
Turabian Style Model Paper
The Writing Center at Indiana University
California State University, LA: Style Manual & Writing Guides
A Research Guide for Students
A Guide to Writing in Psychology
Learning Resources
Tutoring & Learning Center at Columbia State
How To Study for General Psychology
How to Think Critically
Education Corner ~ Study Skills for Learners
GPA Calculator
TBR's Colleges Directory
Principles of Adult Learning
Learning Strategies: Maximizing Your Academic Experience
Critical Reading Strategies
Effective Study Skills
Tips for Taking Multiple Choice Exams
100 Self-Help & Study Skills for Students with ADD
PurpleMath (Help with Algebra)
Math.com (Help with Math, in general)
QuickMath.com (Automatic Math Solutions)
Human Gross Anatomy (Help with Anatomy & Physiology)
GetBodySmart.com (More help with Anatomy & Physiology)
Anatomy and Histology Center (Even more help with Anatomy & Physiology)
Study Guide to the Systems of the Body (Some more help with Anatomy & Physiology)
MySpeechClass.com (Topics for Speech class)
Online Learning Resources
Characteristics of the Successful Online Student
Is Online Learning Right For Me?
Tips for Being a Successful Online Learner
What Does a High Quality Online Course Look Like?
Online Education FAQs
Careers in Psychology
Holland Code Quiz
Online Psychology Degree Resources
Is Psychology right for YOU?
Marky Lloyd's Careers in Psychology
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Psychologists
Board of Examiners in Psychology: Academic Programs in Psychology
What can you do with a degree in Psychology?
Careers in Sports Psychology (...not because I love sports...LOL...but because some Learners want to know)
Careers in Industrial-Organizational Psychology (an EXCELLENT field to enter into!)
The Online Guide to a Career in Counseling
Addiction Counselor Career Options & Salary Guide

Psychology Resources on the Web
The Virtual Psychology Classroom
Classics in the History of Psychology
AcademicInfo.net — Psychology
Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind
Dr. Fenichel's Current Topics in Psychology
GMU's Online Resources for Developmental Psychology
Scientific Progress
The Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge
Psychological Organizations and Associations
American Psychological Association
Tennessee Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
American Psychiatric Association
Mental Health Service Provider Locator
Tennessee Division of Mental Health Services
Mental Health Treament Locator
Miscellaneous Favorite Web Links
The following links provide visitors with some insight into my quirky, but truthful and secure personality
RottenTomatoes.com - I am huge movie buff! I visit this site often for some of the best movie reviews on the Internet.
Facebook - I am on Facebook. My page is relatively non-threatening :-) So, feel free to visit my page and join me. Just click on the link to be taken directly to my page.
StarTrek.com - Yes, I am a very proud Trekkie. Come on...join the movement
Out & About Newspaper - Tennessee's best source for GLBT news in print.
WhiteHouse.gov - I am big on political activism. As American citizens, I believe we have an national obligation to stay fully engaged with our government. You can begin here. This link will take you to the WhiteHouse.gov website. Explore the page. Also, click on the Contact Us link to begin writing directly to the White House—let your voice be heard!
CNN Uncovering America: Fighting for Acceptance - Excellent resource on the efforts by the GLBT community to build support and gain allies in the struggle for equality.
Space.com - One of my scholarly interests is astronomy. This site is an excellent resource for astro geeks like me. This site also provides great wallpapers for your desktop or notebook PC!
Skeptic's Dictionary - I regularly lecture on the importance of being a good critical thinker and a healthy skeptic. This site is a good resource for alternative and empirical explanations for many abstract topics of interest.
Parapsychological Association - Although I am a proud skeptic and empiricist, I also know that a very small percentage of paranormal phenomena via empirical explanations and scientific evidence. Parapsychology is a burgeoning sub-field of psychology that seeks to understand paranormal events. Check out this site for more information.
MarvelDirectory.com - I'm a huge fan of Marvel Comics. This site offers a great directory of nearly all of the characters in the Marvel Universe.
The Batman - My all-time favorite comic book hero is The Batman, who has no superpowers and relies only on advance scientific skill, keen detective abilities, and a genius level intellect to solve problems and fight crime. I think he has the coolest and most well-developed collection of villains and the comic itself has stood the test of time. This link takes you to a very good Wikipedia entry on the "Dark Knight".
VirtualReligion.net - Another scholarly interest of mine is theology and comparative religion. This site is a great source for information on various world religions and systems of belief.
Skeptic's annotated Bible/Koran/Book of Mormon: An excellent source for critical thinking.
Is the United States a Christian nation? - This is an excellent question and this site provides the correct answer.
Where the founding fathers of America Christians? - Again, another excellent question. This site provides the correct answer.
Encyclopedia Mythica - Another scholarly interest of mine is mythology. This site is a great source for information on many mythologies.
Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution - I am a major proponent of evolution theory, which is a theory that has overwhelming scientific support and is considered a statement of biological fact by the great majority of natural scientists, including scientists belonging to all three Abraham religions. This link will educate visitors on the biggest misconceptions with evolution theory and will hopefully encourage some to explore the beauty of this theory more, with a open and critical mind.
Frequently Asked Questions about Evolution - More excellent information about contemporary evolution theory.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - I am a philosopher at heart and I used this resource all the time during my undergraduate years studying philosophy. It provides wonderful information on various topics.
I AM AN ATHEIST - I am an Atheist. There are many misconceptions and hateful stereotypes about Athiests. Rather than being a hater and believing the lies, how about you find out what the truth is.
American Humanist Association - I study, promote, and live by a humanist philosophy concerning all things. I invite students and visitors to explore this link to learn more about humanist philosophy.
Best Online Colleges - I am a huge supporter of online education. This resource will help prospective students find the best online colleges.
Most Affordable Online Colleges - Here's another excellent link supporting online education. This resource will help prospective students find an online college that won't break the bank.
Caring.com - Caring.com is a leading online destination for caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. They offer thousands of original articles, helpful tools, advice from more than 50 leading experts, a community of caregivers, and a comprehensive directory of caregiving services.
Help.org - Help.org's mission is to educate consumers and to serve as a voice for consumer advocacy and wellness. They believe everyone should be empowered to make the well-informed decisions on safe, dependable services and products.
PSYCHOLOGY.org - This website supplies original, innovative information on college prep, psychology degrees, expert interviews, financial aid, and more.