Introduciton to Psychology (PSYC 1030) is a one semester survey course that provides an introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Specific topics covered in this course include history and research methods, biological basis of behavior, varieties of consciousness, cognition, human development, psychology of personality, motivational processes, social psychology, and psychopathology and its treatments.
How To Study for General Psychology
PSYC 1030 gives learners a basic foundation of knowledge about mental processes and behavior. Most learners at Columbia State take this course to satisfy general education requirements. But, this course should be viewed as more than simply a requirement. A basic understanding of mental processes and behavior is an essential ingredient for success in all fields of practice, whether one chooses to go directly into professional psychology or whether one elects to pursue a career in nursing, allied health, education, criminal justice, business, or technology. We deal with people on a day-to-day basis and understanding key information about certain theories, principles, and concepts within psychology can aid anyone's journey through the intricate tapestry of human interaction.
Important Information for Learners Enrolled in My Course:
Required Textbook —

Hockenbury, S. E. & Nolan, S. A. (2022). Discovering psychology. (9th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers. ISBN: 9781319247225
(Use the ISBN to search for this textbook online or at the Columbia State bookstore.)
Important Notice Concerning the Columbia State Bookstore: It is the absolute responsibility of the Learner to obtain a copy of the required textbook BEFORE the first day of class. The Instructor WILL NOT be held responsible for bookstore “sold outs”, back orders, shipment delays, or issues with a Learner’s financial aid. If a Learner does not have their required textbook by the first day of class, then it is the sole and absolute responsibility of said Learner to obtain a copy of the required textbook ASAP. The Instructor will not lend out his textbook to a Learner, nor will the Instructor be responsible for directing the Learner to alternative routes toward the required textbook. Class will proceed as tentatively scheduled and all Learners will be responsible for textbook content including readings and related assignments to include exams and quizzes.

Contrary to popular belief, both success and failure are options. Choose wisely.
In order to maximize success in psychology courses at Columbia State, students are urged to have very good reading, writing, and studying skills. The ability to think critically and reflectively is a plus! (“What is Critical Thinking?”) The topics covered in all of the psychology courses offered at Columbia State can be very challenging, necessitating an excellent study and work ethic.
Don’t be afraid to participate. It is when students actively listen, engage, and participate in a course that authentic learning takes place. Ask questions. Answer questions posed by the instructor. Make insightful, informed comments. If you want to get the most out of your education, then participate in class. (“Class Participation”)
Read, read, and read! You have to read and study to be successful in psychology. Now, we know that students have very busy lives, but your education should be just as important as any other life domain—you are paying good money for it, you are using up good time for it, and you are making many sacrifices for it. Reading and studying are crucial elements in most college courses. If you believe your reading and studying skills are lacking, then seek to improve them. (“Seven Critical Reading Strategies”)
Finally, get to know your instructors. It never ceases to amaze just how little attention students pay to this essential element of success in higher education. Visit your instructor during posted office hours; try to meet with your instructor before and after class. Utilize the instructor’s willingness to provide out-of-class tutelage. Seek to understand your instructor’s personality, teaching philosophy, likes and dislikes, and interesting quirks. Students would be surprised how successful they will be if they took the time to form a genuine, cordial, and professionally affable relationship with their instructors. (“4 Ways to Get to Know Your College Professors”)